They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.
Psalm 125:1
This past week we washed windows. I only washed the outside of the big living room window and while I was doing it almost fell off the latter. But thankfully it was just almost and I am still around and well. We also did some other cleaning but with a family as big as mine there is always some cleaning to be done. When I wasn't cleaning (or sneaking off to go take a short nap) I worked on some crochet and finished the crocheted skirt I have been working on for a couple of months on and off. I will do a post on that later with pictures and all. I also cut quilt squares. That made my wrist a little sore as I have not done it in a while. Today was a cloudy and rainy day and this afternoon the power went out for about 1 1/2 hours. So we sat around reading or writing. I did some writing on one of my stories. I have tried to write a few pages a day this week and I have been good at keeping to that. And it is coming along nicely. I have been taking walks daily as well but skipped it today as it is quite cold out.
They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Psalm 125:1
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for him that cometh to God most believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:6 Today we butchered a deer. We got about 60 lb. It all went into ground venison as we use a lot of ground meat so just put it all in that. It was just me, my 2 older sisters and my older brother. But we did it in four hours with a break for lunch. Now it is all in the freezer and all dishes and counters are washed up. And I am sitting here typing. I don't know that you could say I am relaxing but anyway. Over the week end we had a cousin here so had fun on Saturday night playing spoons for about 45 minutes. Love that game. My sister grabbed 2 spoons once instead of taking the card out of her hand and grabbing a spoon she left the card ion her hand and grabbed 2 spoons. She and I laughed so hard! So the weekend went well for me. I just found out yesterday that Brandon Heath has a new CD out! It is called Blue Mountain and you can go to his website to hear previews of the songs. Or they are on YouTube. I really like it all but I really like his stuff. Over the years his music has helped me through some hard times. And this CD is just as good. So it is now on my to buy list along with his last CD Leaving Eden. And I have yet to see him in concert. I have only been to one concert and it was almost a year ago now. It was a Steven Curtis Chapman, Andrew Peterson, Josh Wilson concert and it was amazing. Well I will be back later to tell you all something else.
Well this is going to be a journey for me as I am not very technical. But I will have all the help I need from my sister(s) and my Mom. I may be making changes now and again as I become more familiar with this "new world". So if you have any questions or anything just ask. I hope you all will come by often and let me know what you think. Thank you and see you next time.
About Me
Welcome to A Basket Of Pansies. I am Sarah or sometimes known as Billie Jo, a Christian girl in her early 20s and lover of dogs. I enjoy reading, writing, sewing, drawing, crocheting, horseback riding as well as riding motorcycles, taking walks, designing clothes, hairdressing, and lately planning weddings though for now it has just been for my stories but someday maybe I will plan a real one for someone. Here I like to share my thoughts and whatnot with you all. I hope you enjoy reading this and will pay another visit here someday. God Bless. Archives
October 2015