This month I joined Kendra in her Character Encounter blog link up.
My older sister has been part of it and she has talked about it but I never though about doing it myself. Then This month my sister mentioned I might do it to help improve my writing I did and I enjoyed it.
It’s a good thing I grabbed my sunglasses before I left the house. The sun is bright, I thought as I walked to the clothes line the basket full of laundry on my hip.
As I picked up the first piece of laundry I thought I saw a face peeping around the corner of the house. I looked again. Had it looked like a tall, blond haired man? He didn’t look like anyone I knew. But after looking again I didn’t see anything so I shook my head to clear the memory and went back to work.
“Boo!” I jumped at the voice and turned around. Coming from the corner of the house was a tall man with red blond, curly hair, and a bit of scruff on his chin.
“Will?” I questioned. He looked like Will Muller, Gretchen’s brother from Fritz. But why would he have shown up in my backyard?
“Yep, I thought I would show up in person to see if you were still mad at me for how I stuck my fingers in with Fritz and Gretch.”
“Oh!” the reason for his appearance dawned on me. I had decided to do Kendra’s Character Encounter this month and was waiting to see who the character would be. I had been lying on my bed a few days ago asking Will why he had done what he did about Fritz and Gretchen. But he had not answered me. Now I understood he wanted to talk to me in person about it.
“Well, you may as well make yourself useful and hand me clothespins while we talk,” I gave him a handful of the wooden pins from the bucket hanging from the pole.
“Are you still mad at me?” he asked.
“Well, I guess not, seeing how it worked out for good. I had just wanted them to work it out on their own but if you had not have asked Fritz, we would never have known what a bad man Carl was. So you are forgiven,” I smiled.
“Good. So do I get to know what happens next?” I looked past the shirt I was holding up to the line to take a pin from him but he held his hand out of my reach. A teasing smile played across his face.
“Nope,” I smiled back, pressed my lips together and reached for the pin quickly.
“Hey, you’re getting faster!” he frowned.
“I have had that trick played on me way too many times, of course I am getting faster,” I grinned, picking up more laundry.
“So are you going to write more today?” Will asked.
Before answering him I reached for another clothspin but he held his empty hands out to me.
“Go get more,” I rolled my eyes. This guy could not multitask. He winked and stepped over to the bucket.
“I don’t know. Depends on how much work I get done,” I said after a pause while I hung up more laundry.
Picking up the last three pieces of laundry, I looked at him to see what he would say next.
“I think you should take more time for writing about us, you know you really like us,” he said seriously.
“Don’t go hinting for compliments!” I chided. “But I will say others agree with you that I should take more time for my writing. But I have this thing about getting a certain amount of work done before I sit down and chill while I write,” I said.
“Someone is going to have to do something about that,” he shook his head.
“Well that’s not you,” I sassed. “I have other things to do right now….”
“Work! So you will have time to write about me?” he was grinning again.
“Maybe…I have lots of work to do though so I should get a move on,” I picked up the basket.
“Hurry with your work so you can write more about me,” he winked as he pulled me into a brotherly bear hug.
“We will see how things go. Thanks for stopping by,” I waved and turned back to the house looking back over my shoulder to see him wave and head for his red sports car parked in the driveway.
Let me know what you thought. I like feeding back.