Sixteen Going on Seventeen: is a love song - cute, funny and a bit sad in the fact that Rolf is saying good bye to her as he was joining the Nazis. It is true that girls of that age are totally unprepared and need someone older and wiser to guide them. The end is so dramatic! Listening to this song today, I figured this must have been what gave me the idea I used to have when I was younger that the men had to be older than the women in a marriage.
Then later on when Maria and Liesl are singing it:
"Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. Love isn't love 'til you give it away." I love that line! And "I'll wait, a year or two."
Edelwiess: I love this song - all about. "bless my homeland forever." The first time the song is sung I love how Liesl joins in with her father. And he is looking at Maria.
And later when they sing at the concert how at the end everyone joins in. So beautiful!
Climb Ev'ry Mountain: "Climb ev'ry mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, 'til you find your dreams." Sometimes we all have another mountain to climb, stream to ford and rainbow to fallow until we find that dream. I love this song, it just makes me want to keep going 'til I find my dream.
In the musical, An Ordinary Couple is the love song between the Captain and Maria. In the movie it is replaced by Something Good, which I prefer.